June 24th, people from all over the globe celebrate the World UFO Day – Saint-Jean-Baptiste and Freemasonry

Today, June 24, the world celebrates “The UFO Day” which is commemorates two separate dates June 24 and July 2 on the National Day Calendar. The June 24 date recognizes the first widely reported UFO sighting in 1947 by aviator Kenneth Arnold. The July 2 date commemorates the incident that took place the same year in Roswell, New Mexico.
Also, the Freemasons around the world celebrate the Feast of St. John Baptist.
Freemasonry historically acknowledges St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist as its patron saints, reveres their memory, points to their exemplary lives in its ritualistic work, and dedicates its Lodges to them.
It was the custom of organizations of workmen in medieval times to adopt a patron saint. Operative Masons selected St. John the Baptist as their patron because of his many virtues.
It is believed That St. John the Evangelist was added as a second patron saint a great many years later for the same reason, probably in the later part of the sixteenth century.
Now, at the present moment, French people prepares to celebrate the national holiday in the Canadian province of Quebec and celebrated by French Canadians worldwide, especially in Canada and the United States, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, June 24, honors the traditional feast day of the Nativity — or birth — of St. John the Baptist. The religious nature of the holiday has been de-emphasized for civic events, and “la St-Jean” is now mainly a celebration of francophone culture and history filled with public events, parades, barbecues, picnics and fireworks. Et voilà, Bonne Saint-Jean-Baptiste!
So, whatever you are celebrating today, I wish you all my best and warmest wishes for the festive season.
Fernanda Pires∴